Short week but chock-ful of technology!
This week was a short school week, thanks to the Martin Luther King Jr holiday on Monday and the sleet/ice/freezing temps that Austin got on Thursday night/Friday morning. But it was chock-ful of technology! After much deliberation, I decided to let my accelerated students bring their own devices everyday to aid in their learning. This is just a trial run with 2 of my 5 classes. We had a discussion on Tuesday about how the devices could be used in note-taking (notes app, Evernote, etc) and they could also use the devices to take pictures of notes/activities/warm-ups. I advised my students that this will continue as long as the devices were used appropriately and they maintain their grades. Goofing off - BYOD gone. Bad grades - BYOD gone. So it was interesting to see my students pull out their devices on Wednesday to use as planned. I was expecting pictures of the notes but they even took pictures of the warm-up! Here are a couple photos ...