
Showing posts from March, 2014

The Seven at 7 PM

*** spoiler alert - this post is not about school ***    In our household, we hate "housework".  We move piles of paper but don't really go through them.  Clothes are washed on a regular basis, but getting them from a basket to their closet/drawer/shelf rarely happens.  Floors only get swept when the dog hair piles get high.  We invite friends over to motivate us to clean. Like I said, we HATE housework.    But we live in a new-to-us house (9 months and counting) and we want to keep it cleaner. So my husband instituted "Seven at 7".  At 7 PM every night, when our grandfather clock dings, we have to stop whatever we are doing and do some sort of housework for 7 minutes (my hubby even sets a timer).   Our options are: loading/unloading the dishwasher putting away laundry unclutter the kitchen counter where we dump EVERYTHING pick up toys make school lunches for the next day anything that makes the house more picked ...

Wait? I have to get a sub?

   So this week math department has a planning day, and I have to get a substitute. On one hand, I am really looking forward to it. Not only do my partner and I get some planning in and our department gets to collaborate on some topics, we get to go out to lunch! As a teacher, that is a rarity.    But the flip side of having this planning day is that I won't be in my classroom. And we are learning some new material... So I should be worried. But with the the abundant resources online, I think my students will be okay. My plan is to post specific videos on my website - so the substitute can go onto my website and show the videos I have selected and the kids can revisit them at night when they are doing their homework. It will be ALMOST like I was there :)    So today's post is about some of my favorite educational video websites (and all are free unless noted).  Math Playground - It has a bunch of games (great for practice!) but it als...