A New Non-School Challenge

Hi, my name is Kimberly and I am a Facebook addict. Since I am working full-time, I don't see my friends as often. Facebook helps me stay in touch. So two days ago, I read this article about the guy who liked everything on Facebook. I really stuck with me because I have noticed that I don't like Facebook as much. The last Facebook update really turned me off. I am tired of seeing things my friends like that have nothing to do with them or me. Ugh. And I feel like I am missing important things because they aren't showing up in my newsfeed. Then I came across another article by someone who didn't like anything for 2 weeks. 2 WEEKS? That sounds impossible. But his Facebook experience definitely improved. So it go me wondering, can I do this - for 2 weeks? One week? One day? I realized I have to try. Otherwise, I am about ready to give up on Facebook. So here goes!