
Showing posts from April, 2017

Digital Notebooking

As I have been learning more and more about technology usage in the classroom, I have become really interested in Digital Notebooking.  I didn't attend TCEA , but many of my colleagues did, and they shared with me  Jessica Worley's presentation about Digital Notebooking . This has definitely inspired me a in a lot of ways. So in order to learn more and share with teachers, I took the first unit I taught last year in 7th Accelerated Math (all 8th grade Math TEKS) and made a digital notebook. I used Google Slides, since we are a GSuite for Education district. Below are some of the steps I took to create the notebook. I created a basic title page and table of contents (TOC) page.  I broke the unit into sections (which we usually do, it is a hodge podge unit) and created slides for those sections, and then hyperlinked to those slides on the TOC page. Since I have my TEKS, I know what students need to be able to do. I started planning how I wanted them to learn/practice...