Icon Usage in Website Design

Today is the last day of my EDLD 5303 class, so at some point over the next week, my e-Portfolio will be reviewed and graded. So for the next week or so, I really shouldn't make any updates. Except now I really want to make updates. Over the last couple of weeks, I have been part of a team building and collaborating on a internal website for my district, one that has tutorials and resources for teachers during our time of at-home learning. Even though I have experience with web design, I haven't really done it in a team setting. I learned a lot about design and one of the cool things I learned about is flat icons. According to Iconion , Flat icons are part of flat design, "which is a minimalistic design approach that put emphasis on usability. This kind of interface focuses on open space, bright colors and flat graphics or illustrations." Flat icons are "clean and have crisp edges again with a flat two- dimensional graphic layout". I had heard the t...