Dynamic Plot Diagrams with Ozobots

Recently, the amazing librarian at my campus shared an idea with me - one that the 7th grade ELA teachers had agreed to try.  The students had recently finished "The Outsiders" and were beginning to analyze the plot elements.  Our librarian said she had seen this idea (but she wasn't sure where) of a plot diagram involving the Ozobots. 

So we tried it out. Students collaborated in groups about the style, elements, and illustrations of their plot diagram.  It could take any shape they wanted, and we encouraged them to create a shape that connected to the novel and was easy for the robot to travel. Students created illustrations for each of the plot elements and they used the Ozobots to demonstrate the elements by incorporating Ozobot movements that they connected to the parts of the story. 

Overall I think it was successful. Students were highly engaged discussing the plot points of the novel and what drawings and movements should be included in their diagrams. The one downside was that we did not give them enough time to complete the project. They had a total of 2 class periods.  We gave them one class period to discuss and learn about the Ozobots. The second class period they were supposed to create the plot diagram and all the illustrations. Most of our groups did not finish. One thing we did learn was to have students draw the illustrations on other paper and then cut them out and tape to the diagram - that way they were not fighting over the one sheet of paper. Here is a link to the lesson plan,  as well as a video of my sample and a student example.  

It was so much fun that I can't wait to try again! 


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