e-Portfolio Updates

So I have been updating my e-Portfolio, my website, for my EDLD 5303 class.

I am struggling a bit with it, since I started the website as something to showcase my creations, like my Tech Tools Showcase PD website and my BreakoutEDU creations. But this class is asking me to share more of my learning, and merging the two is proving a bit difficult for me. I figure I will find my happy medium, just not sure when just yet...

However I am trying something new for this. I created an Anchor account and I am creating a podcast for one of my assignments.  I have been making a lot of screencasts lately as an ITS, since my district is moving to asynchronous online learning, and I just didn't want to make another one. Hopefully I will get  it loaded later today.

Want to check it out?  Go to www.kimberlywassmuth.com to see it!


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