Have you found Kahoot yet?

I have a great tech tool to share today! I have been wanting to write this post for almost a week but I wanted to try this out on my class first.

Last week, at a district cohort meeting, someone shared this website with us - Kahoot. The cohort was excited to see this - we all use Google forms and Socrative (which are great too) but something new to use in our classrooms are always welcome.

There are some great pros to this website.

  1. First, you can search the public quizzes and copy them into your profile, so you don't have to invent anything I'd you don't want to. You can also make your quizzes private so they can't be searched. 
  2. Second, you can set time limits. If all students finish before time is up, then it will move on. 
  3. Third, the program adds music to the questions! I love this feature and the music changes based in the time limit you set! 
  4. Fourth, you can download the scores to have a copy of your assessment and give a grade. 
  5. Fifth, students get points for being right and being quick! 
  6. Sixth, their response screen is very simple, so it is very easy to see who is on task and who isn't (during this class, everyone was on task)
And these are just the bonuses for the teacher!

Today I tried this with some of my students - my intervention class. We had another class join us so that their teacher could see the program, and since it was another math intervention class, all students got math practice! The kids were engaged the whole period.  They loved that they got to compete with each other and that they could see their place after every question.  After one quiz, they begged to do another.  For me as the teacher, it was easy to see who understood the material and who needed more work.

Overall, I am really impressed. I am already planning to use it later this week in all my other classes.  I can't wait to see how excited they get to play it! 


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